Take out the previous film reviews in the sun! This movie is one of the series, full of positive energy!In my opinion, “Speed and Passion 2”, although there is no story of Tang and his group, is not decoupled from the whole series of speed and passion. Here is the partner of later cooperation, and also shows us more differences of O’Connor. In the world of speed and passion, we can feel more than how hard life is and how fragile life is, but how hard we find ourselves in our efforts, I think this is also a kind of energy that I lack.

The beginning of the story is still the enthusiastic road racing scene, because one driver is missing from a group of people. Our black brother called a person to invite him to participate in the race of this round. Obviously, the driver who was “called” was O’Connor, who was unable to become a policeman because he was given the chance to escape in Los Angeles. There are always some turning points in life. When you stick to your inner thoughts, you will lose something that belongs to you. O’Connor is a vivid example.

Before the car race, the crowd suddenly focused on the woman. Her sexy appearance revealed a mysterious and complex emotion from her eyes. It was reasonable to judge that the next story was closely related to her. Of course, the following story also confirmed this point. She was the “O’Connor” in this film, who had been lurking around the villain for 11 and a half months. In fact, the identity of this character was rather complicated, If she didn’t take up the gun pointing at the villain later, it was really doubtful that she would fall in love with the villain and roam the world. However, the most sincere things are put in the eyes. Maybe the temporary camouflage can hide people’s eyes. If it is not enough, the answer will be found in the eyes.

O’Connor was found by his former boss and needed his help to deal with the case and deal with the villains. O’Connor took the opportunity to find his former brother Pier. Years of misunderstanding also led to their “sand wrestling”. However, the result was that the two men joined forces and decided to at least eliminate their own case and gain freedom. The sensitive mood and the capable style of handling affairs have clearly shaped the image of two tough men. Although they also have childish side, their determination and determination in the face of difficulties make me, as a bystander, feel a strong “manliness”.

The joint efforts of the strong and powerful forces were indeed a powerful force. They not only completed the task of the villains’ explanation, but also received a special invitation from the villains to participate in the evening party organized by themselves. But our main character looked down on this seemingly gentle rich boy, and Pierre’s petty theft caused the villains’ disgust, which was also the reason for Pierre’s prison disaster that year. The tough guy in the plot depicts the real life. The seemingly random two people use their strengths to cover up their weaknesses at will. Only when they have a good grasp of themselves can their opponents be taken lightly.

O’Connor took Pier to the place of the “businessman” to find a temporary place to stay, and tried to fix the positioning system on the car. However, he had to admire the superior technology of the police, so he had to give up. O’Connor decided to build two more cars in case of emergency. Facing the complex situation and the danger of life and death, I calmly use the existing environment and make plans, which is the biggest highlight I found from O’Connor.

O’Connor and Pier used two medium cars to compete against the middle and upper class of cars, which had a great difference in strength. Finally, O’Connor won by a narrow margin and successfully won two “American Muscles”. What I see here is a man’s momentum and determination towards what he values, which will stimulate his body to instinctively take out the best state to cope with various tests.

The two undercover agents were well prepared to go to the party later, but they didn’t expect to see the villains so crazy that they could not be lured to torture directly. When I saw this, four words came straight out of my mind: unscrupulous. In fact, time may be precious in life, and even some means and skills may be needed. But when people lose the most basic human nature, they lose the original meaning of life. I think this is a kind of regression and loss of human nature.

At the beach, under the sunset, the two good brothers made up and laughed away. In fact, Pier didn’t care about O’Connor when he was arrested and imprisoned, but he hasn’t seen it in three years. It’s the best way to solve the heart knot, whether O’Connor or Pier. In fact, I think that everyone would have such a friendship when he was young, because he was separated because of a temporary conflict, and because of some changes, he hasn’t seen him for a long time. But we should also reflect on ourselves when we blame others, because this contradiction was created by two people together.

The king-level undercover tactics are different from ordinary people’s ideas. They create such a chaotic scene that the police cars that are chasing and blocking cannot find O’Connor and Pier for a while. When they find the two cars, O’Connor and Pier have driven two “American muscles” to fly away. People with the same interests will be more powerful when doing something together, and the full support of friends will make a very depressing thing fun.

The villain deliberately revealed his flaws to test the female undercover around him. At the end of the story, he modified the delivery place. He didn’t kill the female undercover after all, but took her aboard the ship. From the villain’s eyes, it seemed that he didn’t kill the female undercover. He always felt that there was a vague feeling between the two people that could not be explained clearly. Maybe it was true that the relationship had changed over time, but the female undercover’s eyes were a little more dull. Maybe I feel sorry that I am about to be executed.

O’Connor was saved by Pier when he was about to be executed. The two men prepared to rescue the female undercover, but saw the ship go away. The two men got into the car together. Pier, though unwilling to complain all the time, trusted O’Connor and drove after the rebel ship together. It may be the film and television effect, but I like the tacit understanding between the two brothers very much. There is no too much nonsense, and I will go forward bravely for a purpose. In many cases, it is just like this, which can bring many unexpected surprises.

The American muscle rose and landed on the ship. O’Connor shot down the villain, and the female undercover appeared in time to seize the gun to control the villain. In this film, I am most impressed by the sincere friendship between O’Connor and Pierre. It seems that two people are “sharp and angular”, but when one party is in trouble, the other party is duty-bound. In fact, friendship plays a more important role in life than family and love sometimes, because brotherhood not only gives two people the ability to overcome difficulties, but also gives two people the tacit understanding of working side by side in some specific occasions.

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